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Totem Pre-Cut Maker Kit (587pcs)

by Totem

Created for Totem beginners, but also excellent for advanced Totem makers when building smaller projects.

Totem structures are fast to build, which makes the system a great prototyping tool. Adjustable part length, a wide variety of connection methods, easily changeable and strong structures mean mounting motors and electronics has never been easie

Makers around the world shown that the Totem system is perfect for:

  • Complex mechanical structures;
  • DIY projects.
  • Robots for hobby and education;
  • Prototypes;
  • Cases for electronics.
  • STEM education.

The Pre-Cut Maker Kit contains:

  • 587 building pieces:
    • Beams – 15 x 10cm; 10 x 9cm; 10 x 5cm; 10 x 4cm
    • Boards – 2 x 10x10cm; 6 x 3x10cm
    • Brackets – 11 type of brackets, total 164 pieces
    • Bolts and Nuts – 330 pieces
    • Fillers – for nice corner finishing.
  • Plastic Beams and boards are already pre-cut and ready made.
  • Basic Totem brackets for main connections.
  • Informative assembly guide book.
  • Original Totem Screwdriver with super strong magnetic grip.
  • Small parts are provided in a nice compartment box.

Unique Totem Beam structure

  • Nuts stay in structure: the special Totem Nut M3 10×6 stays in the structure of the Beam before Bolts are tightened!
  • Add elements or expand structures anywhere: special layout of slots and holes makes it a versatile element to construct any shape: its easy to expand a structure, by adding a beam or board or any other element at any point on your project!
  • Totem Grid: The Brackets and Nuts are 2×6 mm profile, and they fit into beams in 2 directions.
  • Bigger structures: join a few beams side by side together to make them thinner – the unique layout of beams slots allows you to join them at any point.
  • Unique invention: the invention of beams is unique and is protected by patent.

Totem Tips:


2 customer reviews

2 years ago
I have just discovered the Totem mechanical model/prototyping system. It is an excellent inexpensive system to build with. This kit is just what you need to get into the system. I have already ordered more parts. I am looking forward to building some exciting projects
by Neil about Totem Pre-Cut Maker Kit (587pcs) via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
Very handy - purchased a set as a taster and will treat myself to the full package for Christmas! Fits a niche where one needs to build something that's not just a lashup of loose boards or bits of wood...
by Sid about Totem Pre-Cut Maker Kit (587pcs) via REVIEWS.io