Read our 55,231 customer reviews


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Who collects
our reviews

We use Google Customer Reviews and to collect our reviews for us.

They are independent and impartial ensuring that we get an accurate view of your opinions.

Your feedback
helps us do better

When you review our service or the products on our site it helps us identify any issues and hone the way we do things to be even better.

The Pimoroni crew take huge pride in reading positive customer reviews and we often share them around our internal chat system.

Our reviews
can help you

The reviews on our site have been left by customers just like you, they often highlight details about a product that perhaps we haven't thought to include in the description.

We definitely recommend you take a deep dive into the reviews to see how people are using our products in their own projects.

Talk to us!

If you need to get in touch then please head over to our contact page and drop us a line.

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Occasionally things go wrong – no process, person, or pirate is perfect! We always do our best to fix things whether our fault or not – that's why 99%+ of our reviews are positive.

There are times, however, when complaints are made anonymously meaning we have no way to contact the customer and try to help. :-(