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🎉  Happy 13th Birthday Raspberry Pi!   🎂   1,000+ deals in store!   🥳

Pico Proto

by Pimoroni

A conveniently sized, labelled proto-board add-on for your Raspberry Pi Pico, perfect for permanently attaching your custom circuits!

With a 6x20 grid of 2.54mm spaced holes for easy soldering and labelled Pico pins so you know what's what, Pico Proto is perfect for when you're happy with your breadboard project and want to give it a secure, smart and compact long-term home.

Pico Proto doesn't come with any headers attached, so you will need to either solder it directly to your Pico's male header pins (for a permanent, but super slim sandwich) or solder it to some female header.

A Raspberry Pi Pico is not included - click here if you'd like to buy one!

About Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico is a flexible, low cost microcontroller development board from the folks at Raspberry Pi, based on their very own chip - the RP2040. It's easily programmable over USB with C/C++ or MicroPython, and ideal for using in all sorts of physical computing projects, devices and inventions - we're so excited to see what you make with it!

We've called our Pico-sized add-ons packs, as they're designed to attach to the back of your Pico as if it were wearing a very stylish back pack (or a miniature jet pack, if you prefer). We've also got Pico bases (larger add-on boards with a space to mount your Pico on top) and some other boards that let you do interesting hackerly things like using multiple packs at once - click here to view them all!

Your Pico will need to have male headers soldered to it (with the pins pointing downwards) to attach to our add-on boards.


  • 40 2.54mm spaced holes for attaching to your Pico.
  • 120 2.54mm spaced holes (6x20 grid) for attaching other things
  • Compatible with Raspberry Pi Pico.
  • Dimensions: approx 51mm x 25mm x 1mm (L x W x H)

39 customer reviews

a year ago
Really handy way of making a longer term prototype to solder one or more connections to pins, it pairs well with a set of pre cut wire lengths for routing across the board or the very short unsheathed wire lengths to bridge from the pins to the centrol holes. With appropriate headers like stacking headers, it can reduce the prototyping space to a much smaller footprint, or for the less complex project, a finished item that just needs a simple box around it.
by Stephen about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
The board is fine and works well but i would have liked that the extra rows of pin holes be on the outside of the pico w not the inside. Other than that a really great board.
by DAVID about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
The board is great, it makes small projects with the Raspberry Pi Pico much easier. I can only recommend it.
by Jonny about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
A handy and economical way of neatly adding some electronic components to a Pico stack. I'm using one with a pair of Pico Stacking Headers. My only criticism is that groups of pads are interconnected, which makes it difficult to add an IC. It can be achieved with land cutting with a scalpel, but I don't see how the interconnections really help for such a small board.
by Roy about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
7 jours de délai entre la commande et la réception. C'est correct.
by Philippe about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
The quality of the British made PCBs is impressive, much better than the Chinese ones, just like in the old days! If you are not afraid of soldering, or wire wrap, these Hats are perfect for developing very personal projects, very quickly.
by Anonymous about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
Seems to be of good quality. The price is not really that competitive though, but I guess you get what you pay for.
by Martin about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
Very useful for making compact assemblies from Pico or Pico Lipo modules. Unusually for Pimoroni, seems over-priced for what it is. This would be a reasonable price for a pack of 5.
by John about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
Cheap and easy way of making your own plug in expansions for a Pico. Add some female headers and you can DIY Pico Packs fairly easily.
by DAVID about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
Great to use as a 'breakout' board. Gives more scope to connect extra wires to each pin.
by Mr Howard about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
So good, so tiny. It's got my daughter interested, we are building a burglar alarm. Great way to peek their interest.
by Stephen about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Would be good if the through holes could be slightly larger, to take two resistor legs for example. A wider "pico proto" and complementary carrier board would be nice. I had quite a fiddly time constructing a diy vga interface, more space would help, through hole and area.
by Anonymous about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Nice to have if you want to make your own pico shield!
by Naveen about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Amazing! And as usual Pimoroni service was First Class. make connection much more adaptable, with a couple of headers.
by Valerio about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Does exactly as states. The Pico has it's pin assignments printed on the bottom of the PCB, which a lot of people moan about but there is a valid reason why they done it that way. This gives you a quick reference to the pins plus when you move your Pico into a more permanent project it saves the hassle of PCB/Stripboard making. I soldered pin headers on mine so I can easily replace the Pico should it fail.
by Lee about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Yes, we need a proto board for the Pico. I'm generally very happy with Pimoroni products, so please see this more as suggestions for improvement. It's clear the board was designed to be roughly the same size as the Pico, and that's part of the problem. First, once the female headers have been soldered on, any prototyping must be done underneath the Pico. If all of the parts can fit there, fine. But the connections to each pin only extend to the next inside pin rather than to the halfway point (i.e., only one connection), so if the pin is meant to have an outside connection or to a component, it can't be done without creating solder bridges between pads or some other "solder-hack". Secondly, as those pin connections are inside -- rather than outside -- the Pico's pins, you can't solder male headers to them except from the underside. I've used angled headers (see attached photo) but it's very much less than ideal as now with cables attached the Pico has a very large footprint, at least 50mm wide. It's either that or very tall. And with headers attached this has used up the only connections to the pins, so there's no "proto" left, it's just a big socket. Finally, there are no mounting holes, so there's no way to attach the proto board to anything without drilling out some of the pin holes on the underside of the board, which means once the Pico is in the socket the mounting holes aren't accessible. Mounting holes need to be outside the extent of the Pico. In summary, an improved board would have each pin's connections running to the middle of the board (providing multiple connections to each pin so prototyping is possible), at least one access hole on the outside of the Pico rather than inside for use with headers, and two or four mounting holes. The board would be slightly larger but would be much more useful.
by Murray about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
I haven't used the Pico Proto yet, but it looks great. I got it because I have a Pico project in mind, and I need it to be as absolutely flat as possible. This proto board will do that mighty well.
by Karsten about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Not tried it yet but the price made it irresistible
by Charlotte about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Fits the pico well. No issues using it in my project
by Artiom about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
A proto board which helps to build simple circuits.
by Thomas about Pico Proto via REVIEWS.io