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Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Express

by Adafruit

ST takes flight in this upcoming Feather board. The new STM32F405 Feather runs CircuitPython at a blistering 168MHz – the fastest CircuitPython board ever!

This Feather has lots of goodies:

  • STM32F405 Cortex M4 with 1MB Flash, 168MHz speed
  • 3.3V logic, but almost all pins are 5V compliant!
  • USB C power and data - our first USB C Feather!
  • LiPo connector and charger
  • SD socket on the bottom, connected to SDIO port
  • 2 MB SPI Flash chip
  • Built in NeoPixel indicator
  • Qwiic/STEMMA-QT connector for fast I2C connectivity
  • Adafruit use the built-in USB DFU bootloader to load firmware. It does not come with a UF2 bootloader.

With CircuitPython basics running on this board, it's fast to get all the drivers working, then use the built in plotter in Mu to instantly get sensor data displaying within 3 minutes of unboxing.

You can use MicroPython, CircuitPython or Arduino IDE with this board, with some caveats. This board and chipset is new so expect rapid developments and updates!

  • CircuitPython support is under development. Adafruit have digital IO, analog in/out, I2C, SPI, PWM working so far and more on the way. For example, the SDIO SD card is not yet supported natively. DisplayIO is also not yet supported.
  • Arduino is supported through STM32duino. There's no auto-reset bootloader support yet so you have to pull the BOOT0 pin high and manually reset before uploading. That said, STM32 support is really good, and we were able to run just about every sketch we tried.
  • MicroPython support is very solid but Adafruit does not provide MicroPython libraries for sensors!

Adafruit tested this in Arduino STM32duino with all our FeatherWings and only the RFM69/RFM9x libraries did not work (they are very platform specific). Its an extraordinarily fast Feather, and their first foray into STM32 - very exciting!


  • Product Dimensions: 52.0mm x 23.0mm x 10.0mm / 2.0" x 0.9" x 0.4"
  • Product Weight: 6.2g / 0.2oz

11 customer reviews

7 months ago
The U96 USB Tester/Meter was a request for a birthday gift. Recipient was very pleased to receive as gift and will be very useful for electronic design projects.
by Anonymous about U96 USB Tester / Meter via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
Great for measuring power drain if you're wanting to power your Pi etc with batteries. Manual could be better...
by Andrew about U96 USB Tester / Meter via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Excellent quality especially for the price. It makes it easier to test usb devices to ensure they aren't drawing too much power as well as help calculate how big of a power supply a project will require. Should have bought one years ago. As always exceptional service from Pimironi
by Ben about U96 USB Tester / Meter via REVIEWS.io
4 years ago
Just the job for testing the consumption of various projects, especially ESP8266 / ESP32 deep sleep power used.
by Garry about U96 USB Tester / Meter via REVIEWS.io

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