4tronix RoboHAT2
by 4tronixRoboHAT2 is a complete robotics controller for your Raspberry Pi based mobile robot.
RoboHat2 provides up to 3.5A per channel and can use up to 25V
Just look at the features provided in this small board:
- 5V switching regulator to safely power the robot and the Pi from 7V to 10V batteries
- LED indication of 5V power status
- High efficiency, dual H-Bridge driver to drive 2 DC motors (or 2 sets of 2 if using paired motors on each side of the robot)
- 6, 5V level shifted GPIO inputs with GVS 3-pin connectors (Ground, Volts, Signal)
- 4, 5V level shifted GPIO outputs with GVS 3-pin connectors
- 4-pin male header to connect a low voltage Ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04+ or HC-SR04P). Only uses a single pin on the Raspberry Pi GPIO
- Optional separate power for motors (up to 25V and 3.5A per motor)
- The output connectors can be used directly to drive servos
- I2C breakout connector (standard 4tronix I2C port)
- Python library module and examples freely available. Uses existing RoboHat library - no pin changes from version 1 to version 2
This controller board is supplied fully assembled. No soldering is required.
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