RP2350 Stamp

by Solder Party

A hand-solderable RP2350A module with 16MB FLASH, LiPo charging, reset/boot buttons, and all GPIO broken out.

The Stamp was created to allow you to use the Raspberry Pi RP2350A in your designs without having to solder small-pitch QFN chips or worry about lots of external circuitry.

All you need to get you started is a 5V supply or a LiPo battery. The Stamp will take care of the charging and switching the power sources.

The castellated edges with 2mm pitch can be hand-soldered directly to a Carrier board, used with pin headers for more flexibility, or connected without soldering using FlexyPins, which are spring connectors designed for modules with castellated edges. You can find footprints for many PCB programs including KiCad, Eagle CAD, and EasyEDA here.


At only 1 by 1 inch, the Stamp packs a lot of features:

  • 16MB of FLASH
  • 500mA 3.3V LDO
  • All 30 GPIOs broken out
  • LiPo supply and charging circuit (with charging LED)
  • USB broken out
  • SWD broken out
  • Reset Button
  • Bootsel Button
  • 12MHz crystal

and of course, everything that comes with the Raspberry Pi RP2350 itself:

  • Dual core ARM Cortex-M33 or Hazard3 @ 150MHz
  • 520kB SRAM
  • 2 UARTs
  • 2 SPIs
  • 2 I2Cs
  • 24 PWM channels
  • 12 PIO state machines
  • 1 HSTX peripheral
  • USB with Host and Device support

The RP2350 comes with a pre-programmed ROM UF2 Bootloader, by pulling the BOOTSEL pin low and resetting, or by double-pressing the RESET button (if the FW supports it), you can upload new firmware using the USB disk drive.

Links to code and documentation

4 customer reviews

a year ago
These pins have been a revelation and make mounting carrier boards like ESP32 or Pico a breeze. I have used them so far on pre-designed FlexyPin adapter boards but can see how easy it is to produce my own custom one. They are a bit fiddly to insert and line up but it becomes easier with practice.
by Lee about FlexyPin - Pack of 100 via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Given 5 stars. I know they are quite expensive, However, when I received them I only got 94 in the pack. I contacted customer service to let them know and they just sent out another batch without any questions or me asking, hence the 5 stars. I did count the second batch and there were only 99 in it. I can't complain as I got more than what I paid for anyway, So win-win.
by Mark about FlexyPin - Pack of 100 via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
FlexiPins are tiny and designed to be used with FlexiPin adapters such as the Pico to Uno adapter which mounts a Pico on an Uno footprint boards. You need tweezers or forceps, an illuminated magnifying glass and, if possible, a circuit board holder to locate them in the board before soldering. Instructions are sketchy. For example, the FlexiPin YouTube video shows a board with one pin hole and a slot, while the Uno board has two holes on either side of a slot.
by Robert about FlexyPin - Pack of 100 via REVIEWS.io
3 years ago
These work GREAT. I use "bare" ESP modules at work, and sometimes I need to debug the stuff...
by Anonymous about FlexyPin - Pack of 100 via REVIEWS.io