UltraBorg - PWM Servo Control w/ Ultrasonic Sensor Support
by PiBorgUltraBorg is a great way to get servos and ultrasonic sensors connected to your Raspberry Pi without the hassle of complicated code and wiring - simply plug in servos and sensors and you're ready to go! :)
You can even control your servos and read distances straight from your phone or PC using the Web UI.
This purchase is for 1x UltraBorg and 2x i2c interface cables only.
- Compatible with all flavours of Raspberry Pi (B+/2/3/Zero/ZeroW), Arduino and other i2c compatible devices
Servo Control
- 4x Precision 16 bit PWM ouptuts
- Controls up to 4 Servos simultaneously
- Allows saving in EEPROM of power up, max, and min limit positions
Ultrasonic Interfaces
- Interfaces with up to 4x HC-SR04 ultrasonic modules
- Read all 4 simultaneously
- Controlled by microprocessor so software timing not required
- Features external 5V connector to seperately power Servo/USM and Pi. Can be linked for sharing power with Pi*.
*please note if you are using servos, it is recommended to power the UltraBorg seperately.
To get started
- Simply plug in 5V source or a 4xAA battery pack into power
- Plug servo motors into servo connectors
- Plug HC-SR04 modules into Ultrasonic connector with 4pin cable
- Plug I2C cables into Raspberry Pi
- Run software
Click here for getting started guides, build instructions, code examples and more.
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