Teensy LC


Teensy-LC (Low Cost) is a powerful 32 bit microcontroller board, with a rich set of hardware peripherals, at a very affordable price!

Teensy-LC delivers an impressive collection of capabilities to make modern electronic projects simpler. It features an ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 48 MHz, 62K Flash, 8K RAM, 12 bit analog input & output, hardware Serial, SPI & I2C, USB, and a total of 27 I/O pins. 

Teensy-LC maintains the same form-factor as Teensy 3.1, with most pins offering similar peripheral features.

Real Hardware Serial

Most modern projects involve serial communication with sensors, other chips, other systems, or even the internet. Hardware serial ports greatly simplify projects and enable excellent performance.

Teensy-LC provide plenty of serial connectivity: 2 SPI ports, 2 I2C, and 3 Serial ports. All 3 serial ports are supported by high quality drivers in Teensyduino, with both transmit and receive buffering, and even support for RS485 transmitter enable.

Teensy-LC will be ideal for inexpensive "Internet Of Things" projects when paired with a ESP8266 Wifi module, which requires a fast hardware serial or SPI port.

Efficient USB Communication

Teensy-LC has the same powerful USB hardware as Teensy 3.1. All USB data transfer is done directly to memory with minimal CPU overhead.

Teensy-LC supports USB Serial, MIDI, Keyboard (international layouts), Mouse, Joystick, and RawHID protocols. A full set of 16 bidirectional USB endpoints are supported by the hardware, allowing any type of USB device. As more USB protocols are added to Teensyduino, despite its low cost, Teensy-LC will be up the task.

Hardware Timers

Many Arduino libraries require a hardware timer. Traditional Arduino products have 3 or 4 timers, with only 1 or 2 providing more than 8 bit resolution.

Teensy-LC has a total of 7 timers, all of them with 16 or more bits of resolution, to allow excellent compatibility with easy-to-use libraries. Many combinations of popular libraries, which would normally conflict, can seamlessly run together on Teensy LC and Teensy 3.1.

Analog Input & Output at 12 Bit Resolution

Analog signals are critically important to many projects. Teensy-LC has 13 pins than can function as analog inputs. The effective analog resolution is 12 bits.

It also has a true 12 bit digital to analog converter, for an analog output signal.

32 bit ARM Cortex M0+ Processor

The Cortex-M0+ processor is a powerful, full 32 bit CPU, designed for lower power, lower cost devices.

Cortex-M0+ has fewer instructions and a simpler bus structure than the more powerful Cortex-M4 on Teensy 3.1. For simple code, M0+ often runs at similar speed, when running at the same clock frequency. For math-intensive applications, Cortex-M4 can be significantly faster, and of course it supports higher clock rates.

Cortex-M0+ at 48 MHz is much faster than 8 bit AVR processors at 16 MHz, especially when manipulating 16 and 32 bit variables!

5 Volt Buffer For WS2812/NeoPixel LED Projects

Teensy-LC provides a 5V output to directly drive WS2812/NeoPixel LEDs.

A 74LV1T125 buffer is connected to pin 17, with the increased output voltage available on another pin.

Compared With Teensy 3.1...

Some features of Teensy 3.1 simply aren't available at this lower price point.

  • The I/O pins are not 5V tolerant.
  • The maximum speed is only 48 MHz, and the Cortex-M0+ omits M4's special math instructions.
  • CAN bus is not available.
  • Teensy-LC has only 4 lightweight DMA channels, rather than 16 fully featured channels.
  • Serial1 & Serial2 have only standard buffers, not FIFOs.
  • Fewer hardware timers are available.

Questions? Check out this Teensy-LC forum thread where many questions have been asked and answered.

Technical Specifications

Feature Teensy LC Teensy 3.1 Units
Processor MKL26Z64VFT4 MK20DX256VLH7
  • Core
  • Cortex-M0+ Cortex-M4
  • Rated Speed
  • 48 72 MHz
  • Overclockable
  • - 96 MHz
    Flash Memory 62 256 kbytes
  • Bandwidth
  • 96 192 Mbytes/sec
  • Cache
  • 64 256 Bytes
    RAM 8 64 kbytes
    EEPROM 1/8 (emu) 2 kbytes
    Direct Memory Access 4 16 Channels
    Digital I/O 27 34 Pins
  • Voltage Output
  • 3.3V + one 5V 3.3V Volts
  • Current Output
  • 5mA + four 20mA 10mA milliAmps
  • Voltage Input
  • 3.3V Only 5V Tolerant Volts
    Analog Input 13 21 Pins
  • Converters
  • 1 2
  • Resolution
  • 16 16 Bits
  • Usable
  • 12 13 Bits
  • Prog Gain Amp
  • 0 2
  • Touch Sensing
  • 11 12 Pins
  • Comparators
  • 1 3
    Analog Output 1 1 Pins
  • DAC Resolution
  • 12 12 Bits
    Timers 7 total 12 total
  • FTM Type
  • 3 3
  • PWM Outputs
  • 10 12 Pins
  • PDB Type
  • 0 1
  • CMT (infrared) Type
  • 0 1
  • LPTMR Type
  • 1 1
  • PIT (interval) Type
  • 2 4
  • Systick
  • 1 1
  • RTC (date/time) **
  • 0 1
  • USB
  • 1 1
  • Serial
  • 3 3
  • With FIFOs
  • 0 2
  • High Res Baud
  • 0 3
  • Fast Clock
  • 1 2
  • SPI
  • 2 1
  • With FIFOs
  • 1 1
  • I2C
  • 2 2
  • CAN Bus
  • 0 1
  • I2S Audio
  • 1 1
  • FIFO Size
  • 4 8
    ** RTC requires a 32.768 kHz crystal & 3V battery. See the Time Library for details.
          Teensy-LC has RTC logic on-chip, but lacks the oscillator & battery backup power.

    1 customer review

    2 years ago
    Useful kit as it includes the unusual SMD male pin header which allows access to some of the less accessible GPIOs in the middle of the PCB area.
    by Anonymous about Teensy Header Kit via REVIEWS.io

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