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Particulate Matter Sensor Breakout (for PMS5003)

by Pimoroni

A handy-dandy breakout that converts between the picoblade connector cable on the PMS5003 particulate matter sensor and a standard male 2.54mm pitch header.

Use this breakout to connect a PMS5003 particulate matter sensor straight to your Raspberry Pi (or other microcontroller) with some female-to-female jumper jerky, using our PMS5003 Python library to read data from the sensor.

Connect the pins on the breakout to the following pins on your Raspberry Pi:

  • 5V to 5V
  • GND to ground
  • TX to BCM 14
  • RX to BCM 15
  • RESET to BCM 27
  • EN to BCM 22

You can also use this breakout with Raspberry Pi Pico (and other RP2040 boards) using our MicroPython library for PMS5003. You can install it easily using Thonny's 'Tools' > 'Manage Packages' (search for 'pms5003-micropython').

Dimensions: 17.7x17.75mm

3 customer reviews

5 years ago
neat package, fast delivery, useful site with lots of tips to start working
by Anonymous about Arduino Leonardo via REVIEWS.io
7 years ago
It was the second time that I bought Arduino Leonardo from here. Always work well, delivered fast, everything is good.
by Anonymous about Arduino Leonardo via REVIEWS.io
7 years ago
It is with the shield that can be removed if you want. It works well.
by Anonymous about Arduino Leonardo via REVIEWS.io

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