LOL RGB Shield

by Unexpected Maker

LOL RGB Shield by @tinyledmatrix - For the TinyPICO & TinyS2

This shield incorporates 70x 1.5 x 1.5mm addressable RGB LEDs into a display matrix that’s so tiny - it lives up to it’s designers name - TINYLEDMATRIX!

The shield requires 5V power to be supplied via the 5V pin of your TinyPICO via USB or external 5V supply, data to the LEDs is controlled by GPIO 14.

You can use any of the Adafruit or FastLED libraries with this shield, but remember, with only 5 pixels height, you need to use one of the smaller fonts.

An Arduino example using the FastLED and Adafruit_GFX libraries can be found on GitHub.

You can also control your LOL RGB Shield via MicroPython using Mike Causer’s awesome library.