Captain Resetti (Pico Reset Button)

by Pimoroni

Resetti yourself before you wreck your... USB cable and add a elegant, discreet reset button to your Raspberry Pi Pico. For every Captain Resetti sold, £1 goes to the Pi Foundation!

We're big fans of MicroPython but naturally, our dev pirates sometimes cannot resist the lure of the C. Using the C/C++ drag and drop method to program your Pico means putting it into bootloader mode every time you want to flash code to it, which means unplugging and re-plugging the USB cable whilst holding down the BOOTSEL button.

Captain Resetti (previously the scourge of the seven USB-Cs, now reformed) will help you avoid unnecessary wear and tear to your cables, your fingers and your patience! Solder the Cap'n in place between GND and RUN (that's physical pins 28 and 30) on your Pico and then, to enter bootloader mode you can:

  • hold down Resetti
  • hold down BOOTSEL
  • release Resetti
  • release BOOTSEL
  • Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A

To exit bootloader mode and run your code, all you need to do is tap the reset button (though politeness costs nothing, and we're sure they'd appreciate a quick 'Thank you, Cap'n!').

That's not all! For every Captain Resetti sold, we're sending a shiny £1 to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, to help them continue their excellent work delivering low cost, educational, maker-friendly devices into hands and hearts all over the world. Who knows, perhaps they can spend it on more buttons ;)

A Raspberry Pi Pico is not included - click here if you'd like to buy one!

Please note that Captain Resetti is not compatible with Pico W - the wireless module gets in the way! *


  • It's a tiny PCB with a button
  • That's it
  • Mind blowing tactile feedback and ultra-responsive rebound action!
  • Warm feeling of having done a little good
  • Compatible with Raspberry Pi Pico / Pico H only
  • Requires soldering
  • Dimensions: approx 8.5 x 6.5 x 3.5 mm (L x W x H)


  • * The outer pins on Resetti need to be connected to GND and RUN, but it doesn't matter which way round, so if you're willing to get creative with orientation it's possible to make it work with Pico W (the Captain loves a challenge). You could mount Resetti on the top side of your Pico W but rotated 180 degrees (so the button is overhanging the side). Alternatively, if your header situation allows, you could flip Resetti upside down and mount it on the underside of the Picow (rear admiral Resetti!). 

About Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico is a flexible, low cost microcontroller development board from the folks at Raspberry Pi, based on their very own chip - the RP2040. It's easily programmable over USB with C/C++ or MicroPython, and ideal for using in all sorts of physical computing projects, devices and inventions - we're so excited to see what you make with it!

We've called our Pico-sized add-ons packs, as they're designed to attach to the back of your Pico as if it were wearing a very stylish backpack (or a miniature jet pack, if you prefer). We've also got Pico bases (larger add-on boards with a space to mount your Pico on top) and some other boards that let you do interesting hackerly things like using multiple packs at once - click here to view them all!

6 customer reviews

2 years ago
Works really well. Have to say that I might get some 1mm as the 0.5mm is quite thin for my needs (mainly wiring between a uC PCB and I2C devices with single core wire). I guess the 0.5mm would be more appropriate for soldering surface mount items.
by Jonathan about Fairlötet solder - 100g via
3 years ago
This solder is good if your joint location is not a large copper plane, in that case make sure to heat the surface adequately before applying the solder and you'll be fine.
by Sagar about Fairlötet solder - 100g via
4 years ago
I tried the 0.5mm but prefer this 1mm. What I do need is a new iron more suitable for lead free solder.... Another good product from Pimoroni.
by Mark about Fairlötet solder - 100g via
4 years ago
Takes a bit of getting used to if you're used to lead solder. Dispatched in good time and worked well to solder a GPIO header on to a Raspberry Pi Zero.
by Kit about Fairlötet solder - 100g via
7 years ago
I hope other people will become aware of fair supply chains that can be developed within the ICT and electronics industries. Use of this product will be a small step towards a fairer supply chain.
by Dawn about Fairlötet solder - 100g via

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