Breadboard Pi Bridge - Pi Ports to Breadboard in Numerical Order

by RasPiO

The RasPiO Breadboard Pi Bridge PCB connects all available Raspberry Pi GPIO ports to a half-size breadboard in numerical order (2-27), which means no pin counting and fewer wiring errors - just add your components to the breadboard and start controlling it with the Pi.

  • build and control a circuit with very few additional wires
  • attach a breadboard to your Pi neatly, robustly and reversibly
  • make prototype circuits quickly and easily
  • make far fewer wiring errors, saving debugging time and potential damage it's ideal for experimenting with Pi-controlled circuits, prototyping and learning.

Kit contents

  • RasPiO Breadboard Pi Bridge PCB
  • 30-way male header
  • 2x20-way female header

Technical Details

3V3 and GND connect to the breadboard power rails too. There are optional 5V/GND breakout holes on the PCB. Soldering will be required to attach the Pi header and the header for the 26 GPIO pins and also the 3V3/GND header. This photo shows the PCB-breadboard attachment points...