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🎉  Happy 13th Birthday Raspberry Pi!   🎂   1,000+ deals in store!   🥳

Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board

by Adafruit

Aww yeah, it's the Feather you have been waiting for!

The HUZZAH32 is the ESP32-based Feather, made with the official WROOM32 module. Adafruit packed everything you love about Feathers: built in USB-to-Serial converter, automatic bootloader reset, Lithium Ion/Polymer charger, and just about all of the GPIOs brought out so you can use it with any of our Feather Wings.

We have other boards in the Feather family, check'em out here.

That module nestled in at the end of this Feather contains a dual-core ESP32 chip, 4 MB of SPI Flash, tuned antenna, and all the passives you need to take advantage of this powerful new processor. The ESP32 has both WiFi and Bluetooth Classic/LE support. That means it's perfect for just about any wireless or Internet-connected project.

Because it's part of our Feather eco-system, you can take advantage of the 50+ Wings that Adafruit have designed to add all sorts of cool accessories.

The ESP32 is a perfect upgrade from the ESP8266 that has been so popular. In comparison, the ESP32 has way more GPIO, plenty of analog inputs, two analog outputs, multiple extra peripherals (like a spare UART), two cores so you don't have to yield to the WiFi manager, much higher-speed processor, etc. etc! We think that as the ESP32 gets traction, we'll see more people move to this chip exclusively, as it is so full-featured.

Please note: The ESP32 is still targeted to developers. Not all of the peripherals are fully documented with example code, and there are some bugs still being found and fixed. Adafruit got all of their Featherwings working under Arduino IDE, so you can expect things like I2C and SPI and analog reads to work. But other elements are still under development. For that reason, we recommend this Feather for makers who have some experience with microcontroller programming, and not as a first dev board.

Here are specifications from Espressif about the ESP32:

  • 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6 microcontroller with 600 DMIPS
  • Integrated 520 KB SRAM
  • Integrated 802.11b/g/n HT40 Wi-Fi transceiver, baseband, stack and LWIP
  • Integrated dual mode Bluetooth (classic and BLE)
  • 4 MByte flash include in the WROOM32 module
  • On-board PCB antenna
  • Ultra-low noise analog amplifier
  • Hall sensor
  • 10x capacitive touch interface
  • 32 kHz crystal oscillator
  • 3 x UARTs (only two are configured by default in the Feather Arduino IDE support, one UART is used for bootloading/debug)
  • 3 x SPI (only one is configured by default in the Feather Arduino IDE support)
  • 2 x I2C (only one is configured by default in the Feather Arduino IDE support)
  • 12 x ADC input channels
  • 2 x I2S Audio
  • 2 x DAC
  • PWM/timer input/output available on every GPIO pin
  • OpenOCD debug interface with 32 kB TRAX buffer
  • SDIO master/slave 50 MHz
  • SD-card interface support

Comes fully assembled and tested, with a USB interface that lets you quickly use it with the Arduino IDE or the low-level ESP32 IDF. Adafruit also toss in some header so you can solder it in and plug into a solderless breadboard. Lipoly battery and USB cable not included (but we do have lots of options in the shop if you'd like!)

Check out the Adafruit learn guide for documentation, pinouts, schematics, Fritzing objects, Arduino setup, and more!


Revision History:

  • As of June 21, 2017 we are now shipping with the Rev 1 silicon hardware inside the ESP32 module.

Product Dimensions: 51.0mm x 22.7mm x 7.3mm / 2.0" x 0.9" x 0.3"

Product Weight: 6.8g / 0.2oz

114 customer reviews

a month ago
Helpful microcontroller to use with the Pico Display pack. Does everything i need it to.
by Joe about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 months ago
Brilliant device, not quite as fast as a Teensy but better price and more pinouts!
by Ross about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 months ago
Great little device, very affordable with a really small footprint. Works perfectly for my project, powering a framed pico paper display.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
3 months ago
A wonderful little device, and so cheap it's worth having a few kicking around so you can just act on ideas.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
4 months ago
I have several Pi Pico boards with and without headers, but I thought I would try out the WH and save myself some soldering. It fits nicely in a breadboard and the little debug header is soooo cute!
by Lee about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
4 months ago
I am using this for building a rain guage. I am very pleased that you can turn it into a Modbus slave using TCP IP in Micro Python and get the data off Wirelessly.
by Fred about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
5 months ago
Excellent for creating projects that require internet connection. Very easy to program.
by Ed about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
5 months ago
Haven't had any problems so far. The bluetooth and wifi works great as well. The test programs supplied by on the raspberry pi website worked.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
7 months ago
Bought the first Pico W for a mesh radio project. The second to get back into 'electronics' and enjoying just having fun. Think I need a Pi 5 now to replace my ageing Apple computers. Good technology and understanding flows from just trying stuff out.
by Dr Roger about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
A tiny microcontroller with network access and programmable in Rust? What more could you want?
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
hopeing to use this with the Kitronik Autonomous Robotics Platform, to make a wirelessly controlable robot :) Also loving the micropython API for network comms.
by Stuart about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Used a few of these for different projects always found them top quality and great support from Pimoroni and the Pi community.
by Bryan about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Actually purchased one of these along with a WH version, also some pi debug probes. A great combo. Especially like that the integration of Pico WH + probe+platformIO is really good.
by Martin about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
As ever, the RPi Pico W is great news for micrcontroller users. I used this one with Microblocks.fun to read the cheerlights colour and produce Neopixel colour patterns.
by Ivan about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Really really good, it is brilliant for beginners to learn simple programming and amazing for anything above that.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Pico without the need to solder the headers on. Yes I can solder but factory made soldered joints are always better than hand soldered.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Lot of fun projects out there for retro computers with this little guy, only can recommend it!
by Gergely about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Great little device, I have connected temp and humidity sensor, light sensor and motion sensor to it and publishing through Matt to a server. All cheaper than buying one
by Ian about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Perfect for my project, simplified by the added header already attached. Pimoroni crew ensured super fast delivery too. All in all a great experience, I’m looking forward to my next one.
by John about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Great little product, moving from my Pico up to one with wireless support for even more options.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Easy setup, works as expected (Micro Python). Have not yet tried the wireless features.
by Ulrich about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
There's a few ways to program a RPi Pico. 1. Assembler 2. C/C++ 3. Micropython 4. Circuitpython (from Adafruit) 5. Methods I've not discovered yet I've found that Circuitpython is easiest and has the best scope for programming it. I got mine connected to my WiFi in less than an hour. Now I just need to find what to do with it next. It's a good
by Dougie about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Not a programmer, but find this manageable. Lots of documentation and examples online. Kids rooms are a lot more colourful now
by Edward about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
a year ago
Just received this item today, I will use this item to learn MicroPython and do some small home automation and IoT.
by Adisak about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Arrived quicker then expected. worked straight out of the box. set it up with the arduino ide as not familiar with micro pyhon just yet. everything I tested just worked.
by Frederick about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Not much left to say about this little slice of computer magic. Using mine to build a remote control for my garage door. Using HTML to check if the door is open or closed with a capacitive touch sensor to trigger the door motor. Micropython makes the coding really straightforward.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
A little bit of effort to set up and use but fantastically powerful. I'm just running a simple clock with this, and I connect to a mobile hotspot to sync the time when it boots!
by Ben about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Have not tried it yet. At present still putting together the motherboard it will be fitted on. However, the design looks good and I look forward to setting the system up.
by Vincent about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Brilliant cheap little board. I got this to experiment with ESPHome and I'm thoroughly impressed by the wifi range!
by Anderson about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Very versatile little device, delivery was very fast, it arrived safe and the service of this website was great
by Jakub about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Love it - have an idea for a little project... this will do the job perfectly! :D
by Robert about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
The Pico has now become even more awesome with the addition of wifi and bluetooth. The onboard chip is easy to program in Micropython and fast enough for any application. I was able to write some scripts that load the py files from a simple web server on boot. I can now use VS Code instead of Thonny and the communication is much more reliable than the serial.
by Mircea about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Really good for its price, its powerful and can aid you with your project if you require Wi-Fi.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Easy ordering, quick delivery - what more can you want. As to the device; it's just so easy to get the examples running (including a couple using external I2C thingmebobs). I wired up the thingmebobs using wires and solder and it all worked fine even though I last soldered electronics back in the 80's at school. If you're into tinkering I would thoroughly recommend it.
by Jonathan about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Ypu can do so much more with a Pico when you have WiFi. Connects really fast to network on power up. Micropython has a few minor bugs as it's still being worked on but updates are daily as they improve the build. Still waiting for Bluetooth support but hear that's coming soon.
by Gary about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Works perfectly, Thonny IDE connects and works fine, micropython is fun to work with. The wireless chip definitely works, and now i can send magic packets for wake on lan to my PC. If only the LiPo shim was in stock, i could make a one button remote for my PC. The little plastic tray it came in is also useful to store it in when not in use, i haven't finalized the hardware to solder it into yet.
by James about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Can't beat the Pico for a cheap and powerful processor board with the added benefit of WiFi on board.
by Andrew about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Not arrived yet but I'm sure the Pico W will be just as good as the Pico. I wish that the Pico WH were available.
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Everything arrived promptly and as described. Used Pimoroni for 2 years, and not a single problem.
by Robin about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
All the power of Pico but with WiFi, such a cheap micro controller for projects, I used it to turn a set of battery Christmas lights into a smart usb powered lights
by Anonymous about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
This is the first time using the W version, its really so much better to be able to use the wifi to make projects work using a web interface.
by Alan about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
This is a great upgrade for my IoT projects, the PICO and PICO W are just great micros and are now very well supported on Arduino and PlatformIO IDE's - which are my preferred programming platforms under Linux.
by Nick about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io
2 years ago
Since 1991 I have used Microchip PICs in my industrial designs, but since coming across this powerful micro on a neat board, which is utter simplicity to use, I am now looking at using pico boards for my future projects. An excellent product together with a good range of accessories to promote experimentation and learning for people of any age. To simply say I am impressed is an understatement.
by Stephen about Raspberry Pi Pico W via REVIEWS.io

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